Healing and strengthening your foot

Foot Pain

What Is foot pain?

Your feet have an important role in daily functioning. They have to carry your body weight, move you from place to place, and help you through your normal activities in both work and play.

Unfortunately, injuries, neglect of proper care and footwear, and simple wear and tear can lead to foot pain. Foot pain is uncomfortable and can significantly affect your mobility and quality of life. In many cases, foot pain will subside on its own with time to rest and recover.  

For chronic, severe, or lingering foot pain, Advanced Sports & Spine offers customized foot pain treatment in Charlotte and Fort Mill. Our therapies include non-surgical, non-opioid pain management treatments.

Foot Injuries

Common Foot Problems

Your foot is complex. Inside, there are 26 bones and 33 joints, not to mention over 100 muscles, tendons, and ligaments all working together to move you through your daily activities.

However, just as any well-oiled machine can malfunction so too can your foot. Whether there is a problem or underlying issue with the inner workings of the foot or an outside pressure, injuries can occur. Problems may arise due to poorly fitting or old, worn out shoes; falls; sports injuries; normal wear and tear; or strains, sprains, and fractures.


Foot pain can be debilitating if left untreated. Common causes include an underlying condition, wear and tear, injury, or shoes that don’t fit properly.


Arthritis involves inflammation of the joints and can occur in one or more joints in the body. It is common in the small joints throughout the foot. The main symptoms are pain and stiffness. 

Osteoarthritis is considered degenerative or a wear and tear type of arthritis. Although it is common in older adults, it can affect younger people too. With osteoarthritis, the cartilage begins to wear away so there is less protective space between the bones. Bone rubs on bone and can cause painful bone spurs.

Although there is no cure for arthritis, there are treatments and therapies to reduce your pain and improve your functionality. Speak with a pain specialist for accurate diagnosis and treatment for osteoarthritis of the foot.

Flat Feet

When the entire arch of the foot is flattened so that it touches the floor when you stand, you have flat feet. Having flat feet is common and generally painless. In many cases, this condition occurs when the arches fail to develop during childhood. However, flat feet may also develop with age or due to trauma or an injury to the feet.

Flat feet can lead to problems in the ankles, knees, and legs because your feet affect the alignment of your legs. However, unless you are experiencing pain or problems in the rest of the body, treatment often is not needed for flat feet. Although many patients do not have pain or problems, flat feet can cause pain in the heel or arch, swelling in the foot and ankle, and pain that worsens with movement.

If you experience pain or swelling, contact your physician for an evaluation and assessment of your condition.

Plantar Fasciitis

Heel pain is commonly caused by plantar fasciitis. This condition involves inflammation in the tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot, connecting the heel bone to the toes.

Common symptoms of plantar fasciitis include stabbing pain when you first walk in the morning or pain that is triggered after long periods of standing or sitting. The pain normally decreases as you move around, but it can reappear throughout the day. Although the cause of plantar fasciitis is relatively unknown, it is found more often in runners and overweight patients.

If you experience heel pain or sharp, stabbing pain in the bottom of your foot, schedule an appointment with a pain management specialist to evaluate and treat your foot pain.

Peripheral Neuropathy

Your peripheral nervous system is responsible for sending messages from your central nervous system to the rest of the body. Peripheral neuropathy results when there is damage to the nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord. This leads to weakness, numbness, and pain in the hands and feet. The foot pain may be stabbing, burning, and/or tingling pain.

Peripheral neuropathy is caused by injuries, infections, genetic issues, and toxin exposure. However, diabetes is one of the most common causes. If peripheral neuropathy is caused by a treatable condition, the symptoms often improve. Therapies and medications can also help reduce foot pain caused by peripheral neuropathy.


Frequently Asked Questions

About Treatments for Foot Pain


As a pain management practice in Charlotte and Fort Mill, we offer several different options for treating foot pain. PRP therapy, stem cell therapy, steroid injections, peripheral joint injections, and focused aspiration of soft tissue (FAST) procedures are just a few of the treatments we offer to reduce or eliminate back pain. 


Exercises can help strengthen your foot. In some cases, a combination of exercises and foot pain treatment are necessary to fully relieve your discomfort and treat the issue. 

Before starting a new exercise program, please discuss your plans with your physician to avoid further injuring your foot. Always remember to avoid exercises and activities that increase your foot pain. Our team can assess the cause of your foot pain and recommend the appropriate therapies for your needs.


For some patients, foot pain subsides on its own after a time of rest. If the discomfort lingers beyond a couple of weeks, you should schedule an evaluation with our pain management team. More serious or chronic foot pain should be examined. Our goal is to evaluate and treat your pain while improving your mobility and quality of life.


Foot pain may range from mild to severe. Oftentimes, minor discomfort or soreness subsides with rest and at-home care. More serious, chronic, or lingering pain requires medical intervention to treat the underlying condition and relieve your foot pain.

Without knowing the actual cause of your pain, it is hard to say if the pain will resolve on its own. Contact your pain management specialist for an assessment and treatment for your foot injury or pain. This is especially important if your pain is severe or does not subside with rest or over-the-counter medication.


Any injury may be serious, especially if it affects your daily functioning and quality of life. If your foot pain is severe or does not go away with rest, over-the-counter pain relief, ice, or heat, please contact your physician. An evaluation is necessary to determine the source and severity of your foot condition.


Your feet are easy to neglect; however, they provide important support for your body. The following steps can help keep your feet healthy and keep you mobile:

  • Maintain a healthy weight as too much weight adds pressure to your feet and joints
  • Wear good, supportive shoes that fit properly
  • Stretch your feet regularly and especially before physical activity
  • Keep your feet clean and moisturized


The longevity of your foot pain depends on the source of your discomfort. Mild discomfort may resolve quickly with rest and at-home treatment. More serious foot injuries or conditions may require medical intervention and therapies to treat your pain. Your pain specialist may recommend a combination of treatments, exercises, and lifestyle modifications to ease your pain.


Finding the appropriate foot pain treatment requires knowing the cause. Schedule an appointment with your pain management team in Charlotte and Fort Mill for an evaluation. Once we determine the root cause of your foot condition, we will create a personalized treatment plan.

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