10 Facts About Low Back Pain
Low back pain is a discomfort with an achy, stabbing, shooting or numbing sensation in the lower lumbar. There are different kinds of low back pain such as lumbar stenosis, disc disease, sciatica, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, and piriformis syndrome.
The human back is a complex structure composed of bones, joints, discs, muscles, and ligaments. However, the back is prone to ligament sprains, arthritis, disc herniation, joint irritation, and muscle sprains. Low back pain is rooted from many causesincluding age, accidents, injuries, improper posture, and other related medical conditions.
Regardless of age, ethnicity, occupation, and body built, low back pain is one of the most common causes of discomfort that may result in to some form of disability. Here are 10 facts about low back pain.
#1 Thirty-One Million Americans Suffer from Low Back Pain
Statistics show that 31 million Americans suffer from low back pain. About 50% of the working class experience symptoms of low back pain.
Here are the most common signs and symptoms of low back pain:
- Dull pain that is contained in the lower lumbar.
- Stinging or burning sensation from the lower back to the back of the thighs and sometimes to the lower legs.
- Difficulty standing up straight, especially when shifting from a sitting to standing position.
- Pain and discomfort in the lower lumbar that heightens and worsens after prolonged sitting or standing.
- Muscle spasms in the lower lumbar, hips, and upper thighs.
- May include sciatica which is a shooting pain from the low back to the legs.
#2 Low Back Pain is the #1 Cause of Disability
According to the Global Burden of Disease 2010, low back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide. Some of these disabilities may become permanent if unattended or when improper treatment is applied.
The most prevalent cause of disability rooting from low back pain is degenerative disk disease even for individuals 45 years and below.
#3 2 Reasons Why Patients Visit the Doctor
Next to upper respiratory tract infection, lower back pain is the most common reason why patients visit their physicians. In fact, low back pain is one of the top reasons for employee absences in most companies.
Low back pain is one of the most common results of occupational injuries. Thus, individuals tend to miss work because of low back pain.
This is usually caused by the pain and discomfort felt after prolonged sitting or standing, a dislocated spine, and strained muscles and ligaments.
#4 About $50 Billion is Spent on Low Back Pain
Being the leading cause of disability and the second most common reason for medical visits, the combined cost spent on lower back pain consultation, medication and treatment is $50 billion.
Frequent consultations, treatment that sometimes lead to surgeries, and medications for back pain tend to cost a lot.
Advanced Sports & Spine is a No Facility Fee independent practice. When you undergo a procedure performed at a hospital, there is a big chance that you will pay for facility fees. With our pain management procedures, you can spend less while availing exceptional low back pain treatments in a cutting-edge facility.
Dr. Ahmad believes that patients should not only be relieved from pain and discomfort caused by injury and other medical conditions, but from high and additional fees as well.
#5 80% of the Population Experience Back Pain at Some Point in their Lives
Whether it is an acute back pain or a severe lower lumbar discomfort, anyone can experience back pain. Whether in your early 30’s or late 50’s, you may experience the discomfort, numbing or tingling sensation of low back pain. Studies show that 80% of the population will experience back pain sometime in their lives.
Low back pain does not depend mainly on age, status, occupation or ethnicity. It can be experienced by anyone. Whether it is acquired from an injury or a complication from a medical condition, anyone can experience back pain.
#6 Most Cases of Low Back Pain is Non-Organic
Accidents and injuries sustained from work or sports is the most common cause of low back pain. In some cases, even a simple movement like bending to pick up a coin can cause low back pain. These causes are mechanical or non-organic in nature. Another non-organic cause of low back pain is poor posture.
#7 The Human Back is Not Vulnerable
The human back is composed of different sizes and shapes of bones that are joined by ligaments and tendons, and supported by muscles.
Although the spine may seem vulnerable because of its composition, this is not truly the case. Despite its structure that may seem to collapse at any time, the spine is strong enough to withstand various strenuous activities. In fact, the spine is designed for lifting and bending.
Scientifically, the bones that make up the spine do not easily get dislodged from their sockets. Only a strong outside impact can cause such distress on the spine. The key is to minimize doing activities that may contribute to back pain.
#8 Exercise is Good for Back Pain
Most individuals are afraid to exercise when their lower back is in pain. They feel like it may worsen if they exercise. The truth is, the appropriate exercise can help alleviate low back pain and discomfort. It does not have to be a strenuous workout, but a quick and fun routine.
Here are some exercises that can help relieve low back pain:
- Deep Abdominal Strengthening
- Bridge
- Pelvic Tilt
- Piriformis Stretch
- Lower Back Stretch
- Hip stretch
- Bird Dog
- Leg Stretch
- Tabletop Leg Press
- Forearm Plank
#9 Surgery is Not The Only Solution for Low Back Pain
Surgery is rarely an option for low back pain. One of the reasons why low back pain results in disability is that people are afraid of undergoing surgery and therefore postpone treatment. People think that low back pain, especially severe discomforts in the lower back, can only be treated with surgery. There are other means to treat low back pain. In most cases, surgery is the last option to treat back pain.
Dr. Ahmad provides various interventional pain management procedures that are non-surgical and minimally invasive. Low back pain can be treated with epidural, facet joint, and other interventional spine injection.
Other comprehensive approaches to treating low back pain include radiofrequency ablation, medial branch blocks, and lumbar sympathetic blocks.
#10 Low Back Pain Can Be Treated
The most advanced approach to treat low back pain is interventional pain management. Dr. Usman Ahmad uses a holistic approach with a combination of diet and exercise to complement medical and pain management techniques. He uses less invasive treatment and pain management procedures to help relieve patients from low back pain.
These are 10 of the many awesome facts about low back pain. The key is not to ignore even the simplest back pain as it may lead to disability. Do not be afraid to exercise and to get treatment to help ease your back pain.
You may contact us at 704-542-3988 or visit our Charlotte office to learn more about how you can treat lower back pain.